Resources management

You can list BigML’s resources using the client listing functions. In addition using LINQ xpressions you can retrieve, filter and order a collection of them.

Filtering resources

In order to filter resources you can use any of the properties labeled as filterable in the BigML documentation. Please, check the available properties for each kind of resource in their particular section. In addition to specific selectors you can use two general selectors to paginate the resources list: offset and limit. For details, please check this requests section.

  string User = "myuser";
  string ApiKey = "80bf873537c19260370a1debf995eb57dd63cXXX";
  var client = new Client(User, ApiKey);

  // --- Select sources starting at tenth position
  Ordered<Source.Filterable, Source.Orderable, Source> result
        = (from s in client.ListSources()
          where s.Offset == 10
          select s);

  // Wait for the results
  var sources = await result;

  foreach (var src in sources)
    // print results

Ordering resources

In order to sort resources you can use any of the properties labeled as sortable in the BigML documentation. Please, check the sortable properties for each kind of resources in their particular section. By default BigML paginates the results in groups of 20, so it’s possible that you need to specify the offset or increase the limit of resources to returned in the list call. For details, please, check this requests section.

  string User = "myuser";
  string ApiKey = "80bf873537c19260370a1debf995eb57dd63cXXX";
  var client = new Client(User, ApiKey);

  // --- Select 50 sources and order by creation date
  // from more recent to less recent
  Ordered<Source.Filterable, Source.Orderable, Source> result
        = (from s in client.ListSources()
          where s.Limit == 50
          orderby s.Created descending
          select s);

  // Wait for the results from the server
  var sources = await result;

  foreach (var src in sources)
    // do work with each resource: e.g. print results

Updating resources

In general, the core information in BigML resources is immutable. This is so to ensure traceability and reproducibility. Therefore, only non-essential properties that are available as auxiliar data, like name, description, tags and category, can be modified. They are listed in the API help section.

The following is an example about how to update the tags in a model. The Update method in the Client class receives as arguments the ID of the resource that is to be updated and the properties that should be changed. The ID of a resource follow the schema resource_type/alphanumeric24digits00ID and can be found in the Resource method of the corresponding class and is the final part of the URL that points to the resource view in the Dashboard.

using BigML;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace Demo
  /// <summary>
  /// This example updates a Model previously created.
  /// See complete API developers documentation at
  /// </summary>
  class UpdatesModelTags
    static async void Main()
      string User = "myuser";
      string ApiKey = "80bf873537c19260370a1debf995eb57dd63cXXX";
      var client = new Client(User, ApiKey);

      // Get the Model
      Model m;
      string modelId = "model/57f65df5421aa9efdf000YYY";
      while ((m = await client.Get<Model>(modelId))
        await Task.Delay(5000);

      // Set the tags and update the Model
      JArray tags = new JArray();
      JObject changes = new JObject();
      changes["tags"] = tags;
      m = await client.Update<Model>(m.Resource, changes);

Shareable resources allow you to modify their privacy and for resources included in projects the project is also updatable. Due to their special nature, some resources like Source or Script have other properties that can be updated, e.g. the locale used in source_parser of a source or inputs types or descriptions of the arguments for a script. Other that that, if you want to modify a property of your existing resource you will need to create a new one. That’s for instance the case when you want to add data to a previously created model. You just upload your new data to create a new source, generate a dataset from it and merge it with the existing dataset that contained the old data. The consolidated dataset can now be used to rebuild a new model based on the entire data set.

Removing resources

All the resources stored in BigML can be removed individually using their ID. All BigML resources IDs follow the schema resource_type/alphanumeric24digits00ID and this is the only required argument of the client.Delete function.

  // Remove a known model
  string resourceID = "model/57f65df5421aa9efdf000YYY"
  Response rs = await client.Delete(resourceID);