Batch predictions

This chapter builds Quickstart on and shows how to create a batch prediction for multiple instances using an existing ensemble. Using an ensemble instead on a model is just a variation so you can see how flexible and orthogonal BigML API is.

To create a Batch prediction, you will need an ensemble and a dataset containing all the data instances you want predictions for. You can easily create both resources by following the steps detailed in Quickstart. In the following code, you will only focus on the last step in the process, i.e., creating the Batch prediction.

using BigML;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Demo
  /// <summary>
  /// This example creates a batch prediction using a dataset and an ensemble
  ///  stored in BigML.
  /// See complete API developers documentation at
  /// </summary>
  class CreatesBatchPrediction
    static async void Main()

      // --- New BigML client using user name and API key ---
      Console.Write("user: ");
      var user = Console.ReadLine();
      Console.Write("key: ");
      var apiKey = Console.ReadLine();
      var client = new Client(user, apiKey);

      // --- Create a Batch Prediction from a previously created ensemble ---
      // The ensemble id and the dataset id which will be used to create a batch
      // prediction.
      string modelId = "ensemble/54ad6d0558a27e2ddf000XXX";
      string datasetId = "dataset/54ad6d0558a27e2ddf000YYY";

      // Batch prediction object which will encapsulate all required information
      BatchPrediction batchPrediction;
      // setting the parameters to be used in the batch prediction creation
      var parameters = new BatchPrediction.Arguments();
      // the "model" parameter can be a Model, an Ensemble or a Logisticregression
      parameters.Add("model", modelId);
      parameters.Add("dataset", datasetId);
      // optionally, BigML can create a dataset with all results
      parameters.Add("output_dataset", true);
      // start the remote operation
      batchPrediction = await client.CreateBatchPrediction(parameters);
      string batchId = batchPrediction.Resource;
      // wait for the batch prediction to be created
      while ((batchPrediction = await client.Get<BatchPrediction>(batchId))
        await Task.Delay(5000);

In the code above, if you want to use a model or a logistic regression instead of an ensemble, all you have to do is specify the model’s or logistic regression’s Id for the “model” parameter.

Local predictions

In addition to making predictions remotely on BigML servers, the BigML C# bindings also provide support for making predictions locally. This means that you can download your model, ensemble, or logistic regression resource and use it to make predictions offline, i.e., without accessing the network.

The following code snippet shows how you can retrieve a model created in BigML and use it for local predictions:

using BigML;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Demo
  /// <summary>
  /// This example retrieves a model previously created in BigML and uses
  /// it to make a prediction locally.
  /// See complete API developers documentation at
  /// </summary>
  class RetrieveModelPredictLocally
    static async void Main()
      // --- New BigML client using user name and API key ---
      Console.Write("user: ");
      var User = Console.ReadLine();
      Console.Write("key: ");
      var ApiKey = Console.ReadLine();
      var client = new Client(User, ApiKey);

      // --- Retrieve an existing model whose Id is known ---
      Model model;
      string modelId = "model/575085112275c16672016XXX";
      while ((model = await client.Get<Model>(modelId))
                                  .StatusCode != Code.Finished)
        await Task.Delay(5000);
      Model.LocalModel localModel = model.ModelStructure();

      // --- Specify prediction inputs and calculate the prediction ---
      Dictionary<string, dynamic>
      inputData = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
      inputData.Add("sepal length", 5);
      inputData.Add("sepal width", 2.5);
      Model.Node prediction = localModel.predict(inputData);