BigML C# Bindings

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the BigML bindings for C sharp.

Additional Information

For additional information about the API, see the BigML developer’s documentation.


## Requirements and installation

BigML C# bindings use the Newtonsoft.Json DLL that was released as part of .NET Silverlight Framework, and you will need to explicitly install it in your system, if you have not already.

To install Newtonsoft.Json you can use Visual Studio Package Manager. In your Visual Studio IDE, go to the Package Manager console (Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console) and type the following command:

` {.dosbatch} Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Version 12.0.3 `

If the installation is successful, you should see a message like the following one:

` {.dosbatch} 'Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.3' was successfully added to <your project name here>. `

Once you have the Newtonsoft.Json package installed, you can use Visual Studio Package Manager to install BigML C# bindings:

` {.dosbatch} Install-Package BigML `


To access BigML using the bindings, you first create a new client object by passing your user name and API Key. This is how you can initialize a new Client object by retrieving user name and API Key from your standard input:

` {.csharp} // New BigML client using user name and API key. Console.Write("user: "); var user = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("key: "); var apiKey = Console.ReadLine(); var client = new Client(user, apiKey); `

The client object encapsulates your credentials and provides methods for most of the operations available through the BigML API. [#]_

### Connecting to a Virtual Private Cloud

If you are using [Managed Virtual Private Cloud]( (VPC), you can specify your VPC URL when instantiating your client:

` {.csharp} var client = new Client(userName, apiKey, vpcDomain: ""); `

BigML VPC provides transparent, exclusive access to resizable computing and data storage capacity in the cloud without needing to install or configure any hardware or software.

Getting started

This chapter shows how to create a model from a remote CSV file and use it to make a prediction for a new single instance.

Imagine that you want to use a remote CSV file <> containing the [Iris flower dataset]( to predict the species of a flower based on its morphological characteristics. A preview of the dataset is shown below. It has 4 numeric fields: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width and a categorical field: species. By default, BigML considers the last field in the dataset as the objective field (i.e., the field you want to predict).

` {.csv} sepal length,sepal width,petal length,petal width,species 5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,Iris-setosa 4.9,3.0,1.4,0.2,Iris-setosa 4.7,3.2,1.3,0.2,Iris-setosa 5.8,2.7,3.9,1.2,Iris-versicolor 6.0,2.7,5.1,1.6,Iris-versicolor 5.4,3.0,4.5,1.5,Iris-versicolor 6.8,3.0,5.5,2.1,Iris-virginica 5.7,2.5,5.0,2.0,Iris-virginica 5.8,2.8,5.1,2.4,Iris-virginica ... `

The typical process you need to follow when using BigML is to:

  1. open a connection to BigML API with your user name and API Key
  2. create a source by uploading the data file
  3. create a dataset (a structured version of the source)
  4. create a model using the dataset
  5. finally, use the model to make a prediction for some new input data.

As you can see, all the steps above share some similarities, in that each one consists of creating a new BigML resource from some other BigML resource. This makes the BigML API very easy to understand and use, since all available operations are orthogonal to the kind of resource you want to create.

All API calls in BigML are asynchronous, so you will not be blocking your program while waiting for the network to send back a reply. This means that at each step you need to wait for the resource creation to finish before you can move on to the next step.

This can be exemplified with the first step in our process, creating a source by uploading the data file.

First of all, you will need to create a Source object to encapsulate all information that will be used to create it correctly, i.e., an optional name for the source and the data file to use:

``` {.csharp}

var parameters = new Source.Arguments(); parameters.Add(“name”, “my new source”); parameters.Add(“remote”,

Source source = await client.CreateSource(parameters);


If you do not want to use a remote data file, as you are doing in this example, you can use a local data file by replacing the last line above, as shown here:

``` {.csharp}
var filePath = “./iris.csv”; string name = “Iris file”; Source source = await client.CreateSource(filePath, name);


That’s all! BigML will create the source, as per our request, and automatically list it in the BigML Dashboard. As mentioned, though, you will need to monitor the source status until it is fully created before you can move on to the next step, which can be easily done like this:

``` {.csharp} while ((source = await client.Get<Source>(source))

.StatusMessage .NotSuccessOrFail())
await Task.Delay(5000);

The steps described above define a generic pattern of how to create the resources you need next, i.e., a Dataset, a Model, and a Prediction. As an additional example, this is how you create a Dataset from the Source you have just created:

``` {.csharp}

// — create a dataset from the previous source — // Dataset object which will encapsulate the dataset information Dataset dataset; // setting the parameters to be used in dataset creation var parameters = new Dataset.Arguments(); parameters.Add(“name”, “my new dataset”); // using the source ID as argument parameters.Add(“source”, source.Resource); dataset = await client.CreateDataset(parameters); // checking the dataset status while ((dataset = await client.Get<Dataset>(dataset))

.StatusMessage .NotSuccessOrFail())
await Task.Delay(5000);

After this quick introduction, it should be now easy to follow and understand the full code that is required to create a prediction starting from a data file. Make sure you have properly installed BigML C# bindings as detailed in [Requirements and installation](#requirements-and-installation).

``` {.csharp} using BigML; using System; using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Demo {

/// <summary> /// This example creates a prediction using a model created with the data /// stored in a remote file. /// /// See complete API developers documentation at /// </summary> class CreatesPrediction {

static async void Main() {

// — New BigML client using user name and API key — Console.Write(“user: “); var user = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write(“key: “); var apiKey = Console.ReadLine(); var client = new Client(user, apiKey);

// — create a source from the data in a remote file —

// setting the parameters to be used in source creation var parameters = new Source.Arguments(); parameters.Add(“name”, “my new source”); // uploading a remote file parameters.Add(“remote”, “”); // if you need to upload a local file, change last line to // parameters.Add(“file”, “iris.csv”); // Source object which will encapsulate the source information Source source = await client.CreateSource(parameters); // API calls are asynchronous, so you need to check that the source is finally // finished. To learn about the possible states for // BigML resources, please see while ((source = await client.Get<Source>(source))

.StatusMessage .NotSuccessOrFail())
await Task.Delay(5000);


// — create a dataset from the previous source — // setting the parameters to be used in dataset creation var parameters = new Dataset.Arguments(); parameters.Add(“name”, “my new dataset”); // using the source ID as argument parameters.Add(“source”, source.Resource); // Dataset object which will encapsulate the dataset information Dataset dataset = await client.CreateDataset(parameters); // checking the dataset status while ((dataset = await client.Get<Dataset>(dataset))

.StatusMessage .NotSuccessOrFail())
await Task.Delay(5000);


// — create a model from the previous dataset — // setting the parameters to be used in model creation var parameters = new Model.Arguments(); parameters.Add(“name”, “my new model”); // using the dataset ID as argument parameters.Add(“dataset”, dataset.Resource); // Model object which will encapsulate the model information Model model = await client.CreateModel(parameters); // checking the model status while ((model = await client.Get<Model>(model))

.StatusMessage .NotSuccessOrFail())
await Task.Delay(5000);


// — create a prediction using the model — // setting the parameters to be used in prediction creation var parameters = new Prediction.Arguments(); // using the model ID as argument parameters.Add(“model”, model.Resource); // set INPUT DATA for prediction: {‘petal length’: 5, ‘sepal width’: 2.5} parameters.InputData.Add(“petal length”, 5); parameters.InputData.Add(“sepal width”, 2.5);

// SET MISSING STRATEGY and NAME parameters.Add(“missing_strategy”, 1); //Proportional parameters.Add(“name”, “prediction w/ PROPORTIONAL”); // Prediction object which will encapsulate the prediction information Prediction prediction = await client.CreatePrediction(parameters); // checking the prediction status while ((prediction = await client.Get<Prediction>(prediction))

.StatusMessage .NotSuccessOrFail())
await Task.Delay(2000);

} Console.WriteLine(“——————————nMissing strategy PROPORTIONAL”); Console.WriteLine(“Prediction: ” + prediction.GetPredictionOutcome<string>()); Console.WriteLine(“Confidence: ” + prediction.Confidence);

// Test same input_data, but with missing_stategy = 0 (default value) // UPDATE MISSING STRATEGY and NAME parameters.Update(“missing_strategy”, 0); //Last prediction parameters.Update(“name”, “prediction w/ LAST PREDICTION”); prediction = await client.CreatePrediction(parameters); while ((prediction = await client.Get<Prediction>(prediction))

.StatusMessage .NotSuccessOrFail())
await Task.Delay(2000);


Console.WriteLine(“——————————nMissing strat. LAST PREDICTION”); Console.WriteLine(“Prediction: ” + prediction.GetPredictionOutcome<string>()); Console.WriteLine(“Confidence: ” + prediction.Confidence); Console.WriteLine(“——————————”);



..[#] You can find your API Key in your BigML account information panel.
If needed, you can also create additional API Keys and restrict the privileges that are associated with each of them.